Friday, December 18, 2009

Plans for break.

My plans for this winter break really don’t include much, this year it’s not that I’m excited to just hang out with friends well I am but I am mostly excited to get a nice break off school. The only reason that is because this year compared to last year is a pretty big difference it might not seem like it but it is, with all the homework and worrying about if I’m going to get all the credits I need this card marking (which I am). But yeah I hope to have a relaxing break without my brother annoying me or my sister now that she is home.
The actual plans that I have are probably hanging out with my friends a lot, getting some great presents from Santa and getting to spend a lot of time with my family too which what the holidays are basically about even though I’m going to try to hangout with my friends more because everyone knows too much time with your family just gets a little out of hand or at least it does with mine.
Over the break though is usually my all time favorite of the year, its starting a new year you get free gifts no school for a few weeks and getting to chill around the house. But with the gifts thing it’s not going to be as good as last year like last year I had some good gifts to ask for but this year I really don’t have all that much to ask for like I asked for some clothes iPod headphones I can’t even think of what else, but if my parents would actually let me get what I wanted it would be one of the best Christmases ever what I really asked for was a dog, laptop and a new phone but obviously I can’t get that because it would cost like over a thousand dollars but it’s alright I just want to enjoy the days off while there here

Friday, December 11, 2009

Dear Santa
Overall I am a pretty nice person I don’t really do anything bad to people, the only people I make that mad are my parents and brother and sister mostly my parents. The reason that is because my grades and sometimes the way I treat them I’m nice but they get on my nerves a lot like when I get 1 like c they will freak out and ground me or something then that’s when I get pissed off usually. I have got in trouble a few times though when I have used bad language or something when I get mad but that’s about all.
Or I hate when my brother or sister get bad grades or do something bad then my parents find out then take all their anger out on me that makes me really mad and will be like mom why are you mad at me and then gets even more mad I absolutely hate when that happens.
But then when I think about it I really haven’t got in any trouble or anything I have been a good boy this year and also have been getting great grades like all As and Bs which makes my parents proud. But when I think back I tried my very best to at the same time made a few very small mistakes but my mom and dad have forgave me for all those small mistakes I did make. So yeah each year I try more and more to be better and better about being nice and not naughty I know there are some naughty people out there that do some bad things but I continue and will continue to be one of the people that don’t do bad things and get good grades and listen to their parents most of the time.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Blog #12
I am probably going to be almost graduating from police school or academy then my life will actually start, I will end up buying an apartment with the girlfriend that I will have and big or special but something that I am comfortable with. I will be paying about a little under 1,000a month which my parents and grandparents will help me out with. It will be in Lansing Michigan because I want to go to Michigan state university when I’m older. Me and one or two of my friends will live there I’m guessing and we would all split the cost of the mortgage. The water and heating is already paid for so I don’t have to worry about that. But the apartment I was looking cost about $525 - $585 and if we have 2 people living there we would divide the cost. My mom or dad would probably end up paying for it.
Internet and TV about 100
About 50 for water
And for food about 100
Adds up to about 880 a month or so and if I split it with a friend I would only pay about 440 dollars.